A. reptans is a tender, trailing, evergreen shrub, often grown as an annual bedding plant, with oval to rounded, pointed, toothed, mid-green leaves and fluffy, catkin-like racemes of red or pink flowers from spring to autumn.Acalypha reptans is sometimes sold under the cultivar name 'Summer Love'. It reaches about 30cm and each plant spreads about the same distance. An enchanting plant which flowers with a profusion of red tassels over many months of the year. It requires very bright light to be continuously grown indoors. Ideal for pots and containers. 1-2 hours early morning late afternoon sun will stimulate more flowering. Water regularly. Remove spent flowers. Tip prune to maintain its shape.
Dwarf Chenille Care
Acalypha Reptans

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How to Care for the Plant
Acalypha like a regular supply of water, even during the winter months. They also do best with a high humidity level, so if your house is dry (most are), you will want to regularly mist your plant or keep it in a tray of pebbles. During the rest period, still water the plant, but reduce to every other week.
Acalypha appreciate regular doses of fertilizer throughout the growing season. Liquid is best, but they will also thrive with a controlled-release fertilizer. During the winter months, cut feeding back or stop entirely.
Acalypha are definitely a bright-light plant. They don't necessarily like full sun, although they can tolerate it if acclimated. Indoors, look for a bright, but not sunny spot, like an east-facing window. All acalypha prefer warm temperatures and should not be kept under about 60 F if at all possible.
They aren't especially picky as to soil type. A well-drained potting mix will do.
the winter minimum must not be less than 53.6-59°F(12-15 °C), so it should be grown in a warm place, while in summer it can be placed outside, in a semi-shaded area.
Ideal for pots and containers.
All parts of the plant are toxic if ingested.
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