L. caerulea var. kamtschatica is an upright, deciduous shrub with ovate to lance-shaped, grey-green leaves and insignificant, lightly fragrant, white flowers in spring followed by edible, oval to cylindrical, blue-black fruit ready for harvest in early summer.
Haskap Berry Care
Lonicera Kamtschatica

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How to Care for the Plant
Edible honeysuckle fears drought. During the summer, water it regularly.
Prune flowered shoots to strong buds. Cut back approximately 1/4 of old shoots to the base to promote replacement growth.
The Lonicera belongs to the plant which only lightly draw nutrients from the soil. If you mulch your garden regularly and enrich with compost, you do not need to add artificial fertilizer. Only nutrient-low ground should get some long term or liquid fertilizer during March until mid of August. After then, the honeysuckle prepares itself for the coming winter and cannot absorb any nutrients.
Because it grows moderately, it is not prone to become overgrown. These plants with a beautiful flowerage need a semi-shade to sunny place. A few hours of sun light are important, so the plant does not suffer and becomes prone to pest infestations.
grounds which are rich in clay should be mixed with sand and small pebbles. dry substrate can be enrich with humus and clay in small quantities
Hardy in the severest continental climates including exposed upland locations in the UK. Plant can withstand temperatures < -20 (-4°F
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