P. ricasoliana is a tender, twining, evergreen climber, bushier with age, with pinnate leaves divided into ovate or lance-shaped, toothed, pointed, dark green leaflets and loose, terminal panicles of trumpet-shaped, veined, pink flowers from winter into summer.
Queen Of Sheba-vine Care
Podranea Ricasoliana

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How to Care for the Plant
Water after becoming established: This plant needs regular water in the first one or two years until it develops an extensive root system. Then it can get by with only monthly water.
Trim back yearly in winter to induce flowering.
Full sun. Part shade results in leggy growth and fewer blooms.
Well drained, tolerant of soil types, pH 6.1-7.8 (slightly acidic to slightly alkaline).
It loses its leaves somewhere below 30°F. In zone 8 it dies to the ground in winter but may come back from its roots in the spring.
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