Acer palmatum "Red Flash" Description Japanese maple "Red Flash" Description Dwarf, upright, broadly growing, often multi-stemmed deciduous tree (H 2-3 m, W 2-2,5 m). Crown fen-shaped to rounded, at maturity eventually dome-shaped. Leaves broad-palmate (4-7 cm), 7-11-lobed, with serrate margin, at first bright red, later violet-red to dark brown-red; autumn colour bright red; leaflets remarkable, with narrowly pointed tip. Flowers violet-red. Flowering period: April-May. Fruits winged, in pairs (very obtuse, almost straight angle), dark red. Ripening time: September-October. Undemanding tree, suitable for urban conditoins, normally grows in different types of soil, except the very heavy and permanently moist soils.
Red Flash Japanese Maple Care
Acer Palmatum 'red Flash'

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How to Care for the Plant
Japanese maples don’t need plenty of water to thrive. Water every 2 – 5 days when the maple tree is just under 30 days old. Then you can water once a week. This should be sufficient, except in cases where windy weathers dry out the soil quickly.
To prune a plant to encourage bushy new growth, snip off the dominant buds on select stems, staggering the cuts to encourage varied growth.
As with most houseplants, they will benefit from an occasional feed during the growing season. An organic, balanced, liquid fertilizer once a month during spring and summer is recommended.
Full sun to partial shade.
Loam soil offers a great balance of silt, sand, and clay as well as a bit of hummus.
Winter Hardiness: Zone 5 - Down to -20°
Use a ceramic porous pot with a good drainage.
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