The “green island” variety of Ficus microcarpa is a climbing shrub, known for being small but beautiful. Unlike other varieties, this one does not share the destructive nature of its species. Hence, it is not only popular as a bonsai and indoor plant but as a landscaping plant as well. It is commonly cultivated in the Southern United States and Northern Australia.Aside from being cute, we love Ficus microcarpa green island variety because it a is low maintenance plant. It can adapt to different soil types, and is salt- and drought- tolerant. Its rapid-growing roots can reach deeply to get enough moisture if planted on the ground. Because it is relatively small and compact, maintenance pruning is not a necessity.
Green Island Ficus Care
Ficus Microcarpa 'green Island'

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How to Care for the Plant
Watering needs of this plant vary from its planting condition, location and stage of development. Those plants that are planted on the ground generally do not require frequent watering. However, when young and during dry months, daily watering is needed.
Lightly prune Ficus microcarpa green island once or twice a year. It must be done before and after the growing season. In temperate countries, prune in late autumn, winter and early spring, because the plant has fewer activities during these times. Pruning will keep this plant tight and compact.
If you need to apply fertilizer, use even-numbered formulation like 14-14-14 or 20-20-20. These numbers mean that the amount of Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium in the fertilizer are of equal percentage. Fertilizers can be applied during the active growing season of the plant. In temperate countries, it is during spring, summer, and fall. But in tropical regions, it is throughout the year, whenever necessary.
Full Sun to Full Shade (800 to 50,000 lux)
Can adopt to different soil types
Lowest Tolerable Temperature 20 to 30° F (-7 to -1°C)This variety cannot tolerate a long frost period. Hence, it should be moved indoors as soon as the temperature drops below 13°C.
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