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Fringed Star Orchid Care

Coilostylis Ciliaris

Other names: Epidendrum Ciliare

Fringed Star Orchid main
Fringed Star Orchid 0
Fringed Star Orchid 1
What is the plant

Coilostylis ciliare is part of a group of green and white flowered orchids that have similar - looking flowers which are native of Puerto Rico. This group of orchids is comprised of Epidendrum caphoporum, Epidendrum tridens, Epidendrum nocturnum and Coilostylis ciliare. Of all these orchids the only one with a fringed lip is Coilostylis ciliare. Coilostylis ciliare has a wide distribution on the island of Puerto Rico, Lately this plant has been renamed Coilostylis ciliare.

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Full Sun



16°C - 23°C

Hardiness zone

Hardiness zone

10 - 11




How to Care for the Plant

  • Water


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    Epidendrum orchids should be watered regularly and abundantly. As a rule of thumb, you will want to water more frequently (approximately every 4-5 days) during the warmer months and less frequently (once a week) in the cooler months. You can help encourage bud growth by withholding water for about a month, however, make sure that your orchid remains happy.

  • Fertilizer


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    When Epidendrum orchids are in full growth they should be fertilized regularly. A balanced fertilizer (20-20-20) is recommended at a half-strength solution every time you water. During the winter, when the plant is not in active growth, you will want to cut back on fertilizing frequency. Each month you will also want to remove the buildup of fertilizer and salts by running plain water through the pot.

  • Sunlight


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    Epidendrum orchids thrive with medium to high light conditions. If you orchid is receiving the ideal amount of sunlight the foliage will be grassy green in color.

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  • Soil


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    Epidendrum orchids should be potted with a medium that allows for good drainage. A recommendation is to mix both a fine and medium-grade bark with perlite or coconut chips. Epidendrums can also grow very well attached to a mount, in raised planter beds, or outside in tubs if you live in an area that doesn’t experience frost. Once the plants begin to grow taller you should stake them for support.

  • Temperature


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    the average daytime temperature should range from 60°F to 90°F (15.6°C to 32.2°C) and average nighttime temperature should be between 50°F to 70°F (10C to 21.1°C). These orchids can even tolerate near-freezing temperatures for short periods of time.

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