An elephant ear with a sophisticated new look. Great for height interest, growing 5–6' tall on sleek, dark stems. The foliage is the most stunning part, shiny green leaves show in stylish contrast against dark, near-black veining—the coloration becomes even more stunning when the sunlight hits. These leaves grow upright, and form into a distinctive cup-shape. When it rains, this shape makes an extraordinary display. The leaves and stems are strong enough that the cup actually fills with water. Once it gets heavy enough, the stem to arches over and pours it out, then springs back to collect more rainfall—like a natural water feature! This elephant ear loves the water, you can even grow it in a pot submerged in a pond. It's easy and fast growing plant, useful in the shade garden and borders. It also makes an exquisite display in a patio pot.
It can be invasive in wetlands along the American Gulf coast.