The white bird of paradise is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Strelitzia species. The name comes from the name of Charlotte Mecklenburg-Strelitzkoy, wife of George III. Attracts with its appearance, especially with sharp and wide leaves.
White Bird of Paradise Care
Strelitzia nicolai

Grows naturally in southern and eastern South Africa. Distributed in regions of positive temperature in winter. This plant is also known under the name ‘Crane flower’. The white bird of paradise does not have a stem but can reach a height of an adult person.
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How to Care for the Plant
In the spring-summer period, watering has to be moderate and frequent. The soil should always be moist. 1-2 times a week would be enough. Reduce watering in winter to 2-3 times a month.
It is recommended to trim dead flowers and remove bad leaves so they don’t drain the energy from the healthy parts. Cut off as close to the trunk as possible. Make sure that there are no rotten and dead blooms and leaves on the ground.
You can fertilize flowers all the time, at any stage of their growth. During flowering, you can feed once every 10 days. It is worth using mineral and organic fertilizers. After the end of flowering, the top dressing should be stopped for two to three months.
The white bird of paradise is light-loving because in nature it lives in the tropics. Direct light will cause the leaves to dry out. Diffused light will be suitable. It is better to put the pot by an east- or west-facing window.
It is better to plant your white bird of paradise in a light and fertile substrate containing sod soil, leafy soil, and peat. A layer of drainage and charcoal will have a good effect on the plant.
Due to its rarity, it is very difficult to find this plant in the stores, and growing it at home is not an easy task. There are two ways to propagate the white bird of paradise – vegetatively and with the help of seeds.
The main thing is to keep the temperature about 65-70°F (18-22°C) in the daytime and 50-55˚F (10-12˚C) – at night. Temperature changes at night help the flower to grow. The white bird of paradise can survive temperature drops of about 32˚F (0˚C), but it is not advised to expose the plant to such cold weather.
The plant is not picky about the container. Just let the pot be 1-2 in (1.5-5 cm) bigger than the earthen clod. As it grows, the plant should be transplanted – it doesn’t like to be rootbound.
Fun fact
This plant is the flower emblem of the city of Los Angeles. Also, it is depicted on a 50-cent coin of South Africa.
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