Populus nigra - the black poplar - is a species of cottonwood poplar native to Europe, southwest and central Asia, and northwest Africa. It is a medium to large-sized deciduous tree, reaching 20–30 m, with diamond-shaped to triangular, 5–8 cm long leaves, green on both surfaces.
Black Poplar Care
Populus Nigra

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How to Care for the Plant
This tree has medium water needs. About 1 inch of water every two weeks through rainfall or irrigation will suffice.
There is no need to prune poplars. Nevertheless, in winter you can cut the branches that crosses each other, and those that are dead.
Grow poplars in full sun.
poplars will do well in soil that is sandy, loamy, or very loamy. It should be well-drained.
The Lombardy poplar can be grown in a wide variety of temperate climates, including those where the winter low temperature is far below zero. In hot and humid climates, this tree is even more susceptible to Cytospora canker.
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