Orobanche rapum-genistae, the greater broomrape, is a plant species in the genus Orobanche. It is a parasitic plant, native to Europe, growing on the roots of plants in the bean family, usually common broom or European gorse.In many texts this is described as a pale yellow plant but the majority of the images on the Web show plants with a purplish colour like this one. It is a parasitic on shrubby leguminous plants like broom or gorse and this one was springing up from the roots of a gorse bush.
Greater Broomrape Care
Orobanche Rapum-genistae

What is the plant
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How to Care for the Plant
Being parasitic it doesn't need chlorophyll and so will grow in deep shade which poses two problems for the photographic botanist: the first is that it is so well camouflaged you can't find it and the second is that the light levels can make photography extremely difficult.
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