Explore the magic of Soursop, a delicious tropical fruit that offers exciting culinary and wellness experiences.
Soursop Care
Annona muricata

Soursop is a totally tropical tree that belongs to the Custard Apple family. It's like a local from the Americas where it can reach 30 feet (9 m)! The tree makes yellow-green flowers that later turn into heart-shaped fruits with spiky green skin and yummy, fibrous white pulp inside. It's also known as Graviola, Guanábana, and Brazilian Paw Paw.
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How to Care for the Plant
It's important to pick a big enough container so it has enough space to grow. A container that's at least 20 inches (50 cm) wide and deep should do the trick. Don't forget to make sure it has good drainage to avoid waterlogging.
Fun fact
Soursop has a special relationship with a particular pollinator - the Sphinx Moth. At nightfall, the moth is attracted to the Soursop's sweet-smelling flowers and helps in pollination by moving from flower to flower.
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