Hoya Retusa are one of the easiest plants to care for. They’re practically indestructible. It’s commonly known as the grass leafed hoya due to flat, slim foilage. They sit best in hanging planters, so you can have them trailing anywhere in the home. Hoya retusa is also known as the grass Hoya because of its flat, narrow foliage. Its numerous slim leaves give it a distinctive appearance, quite unlike other hoyas. It is easy to care for and keep healthy and is virtually indestructible. It produces small, star-shaped white flowers between its leaves. Hoya retusa is a perfect choice as a trailing plant in a hanging basket.
Grass Leafed Hoya Care
Hoya Retusa

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How to Care for the Plant
Hoya Retusa do not like to be water logged, they don’t want soggy soil and they can be prone to root rot. With this in mind it’s important that you allow the soil to dry out between waterings and that you pot your plant in a container with drainage holes. When you water your plant be sure to moisten the soil evenly but don’t soak it right through. It’s also better to water this plant in the morning rather than at night as the soil will dry more quickly throughout the day.
You only need to fertilise your plant during the growing season which means spring and summer and you can leave it in the cooler months. Using a regular strength fertilise approximately once a fortnight and you should see your plant push out new growth in response.
Generally Hoya Retusa like a bright indirect light. They are definitely not low light plants and will stop growing in lower light conditions. In order for them to bloom they need bright light. Generally Hoya Retusa need indirect light however we’ve found that this depends where you live. If you are located in an area with lots of intense sunlight then keep your Hoya in bright indirect light but if you live in countries that receive more cloud coverage then putting your Hoya Retusa in direct sunlight shouldn’t be a problem. If you do have your plant in a spot with direct sunlight watch out for signs of excessive light which can include browning and leaf curling.
As Hoya Retusa do not like water sitting around their roots you will need a well draining soil and the best way to achieve this is to make your own. A great way to achieve this is to use a combination cactus soil, orchid mix and perlite to create a light loose potting mix. This will allow the soil to trap the necessary amount of water without any excess being kept that could damage the plant. A potting mix like this will also help to prevent root rot compared to a standard soil.
Hoya Retusa prefer to be kept warm, as long as the air doesn’t become dry as they originate from the tropics. They do not respond well to inconsistencies in temperature so try to keep them in a room where the temperature will remain relatively the same. It’s important that you keep them away from heating systems and drafts as these can have a negative impact on the plant also.
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