Haworthia arachnoidea, locally known as "papierrosie" (paper-rose) or "spinnekopnes" (spider-nest), is the type species of the genus Haworthia, in the family Asphodelaceae, in the Western Cape Province of South Africa.The plant has numerous dark green leaves, covered in translucent bristles, in a dense rosette. The leaves themselves are without translucent tips, unlike some other Haworthia species. The rosettes dry and contract in the arid summers.It is sometimes confused with the widespread Haworthia decipiens (decipiens = deceptive) which occurs in the Great Karoo to the east. However H. decipiens has shorter, flatter, wider leaves; a lighter colour; translucent leaf tips; larger and sparser bristles which are mainly only on the leaf margins; and only a very weak leaf keel.