Aglaonema Lady Valentine is hardy, drought tolerant, low maintenance, air purifier and good luck bringer houseplant, it does not require to be fed or watered frequently and does exceedingly well at indoors environment. Aglaonemas are an outstanding shade plants, one of the most cultivated in ornamental plants horticulture. Plants can be found at every house and look different because of 150+ extremely elegant hybrid varieties of different shapes, shades and colors. Aglaonemas are fast growing foliage plants which are least bothered about regular watering, feeding, light, humidity, low or high temperature.
Chinese Evergreens Care
Aglaonema Commutatum 'lady Valentine'

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How to Care for the Plant
While in winter chinese evergreen go dormant. It focuses on resting rather than on growth. Therefore water your chinese evergreen less in winter. Tap water contains treated chemicals that will build up in a soil as salts through time. Therefore avoid watering your chinese evergreen with tap water.
Trim out dead and damaged leaves any time, pinching off or cutting off each of those leaves at its base. Avoid cutting into a plant's main stems or its crown, which is where its leaves and roots meet.
Use a balanced fertilizer with a 10-10-10 formula.
Needs 6-8 hours of direct sun / partial shade per day.
Rich, well-draining soil.
Does well at room temperature between 60°F - 77°F. Keep the plant away from drafts and avoid cold temperatures.
Whether your potted plants are indoors or outdoors, proper drainage is an essential element to ensure they stay healthy.
If ingested, may cause a harmful reaction in pets.
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