Crassula congesta : Thick, green, oval foliage covered with a soft velvet. Moderate stress from bright sun or drought can bring out warm pink flushing on the leaf tips.Fragrant clusters of white, star-shaped blooms tend to appear in winter. This species is monocarpic, so after a plant flowers it will die, but any offsets will live on.
Crassula Congesta Care
Crassula Congesta

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How to Care for the Plant
During the blooming, 1 to 2 watering sessions a week, when the soil has dried well.Apart from the blooming season, 1 to 2 watering sessions a fortnight.In winter, light watering 1 time a month is largely enough.In any case, it is important to wait for the soil to have dried well before watering, in which case it is also better to water once rarely with a significant amount rather then having many smaller watering sessions.
Prune your crassula when the branches get old or look weak.The pruning is preferably performed after the blooming.
full Sun, Sun to Partial Shade, Light Shade.
Porous and well-drained. Optimal pH is around 6.0 (slightly acidic).
It is preferable to grow your crassula indoors if you expect freezing over the winter. Indeed, the slightest frost would kill it.
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