Found in Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, Cuba and Jamaica in dense tropical forests at elevations of 5 to 1350 meters as a miniature sized, hot to cool growing epiphyte with erect, slender ramicauls enveloped basally by 3, scarious sheaths and carrying a single, apical elliptic, obtuse, narrows below into the conduplicate petioleate base leaf and blooms in cultivation in the spring on a 1 5/8" [4 cm] long, successively few, single flowered inflorescence arising from above the base with an acumiante floral bract
Small Horned Pleurothalis Care
Specklinia Corniculata

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How to Care for the Plant
Water Pleurothallis grobyi every week and spray daily with a light sprinkle from a plant spray.
It is recommended to apply a 1/4-1/2 dose of fertilizer for orchids every week during active growth. You can use a balanced fertilizer throughout the year, or use high-nitrogen fertilizer from spring to mid-summer and then high-phosphoric fertilizer until the end of autumn.
Pleurothallis sclerophylla needs a light level of 18000-25000 lux. The light should be filtered or dispersed, and the plants should not be exposed to the direct effects of the midday sun. Strong air movement should be ensured all the time.
Pleurothallis sclerophylla can be mounted on rootstocks of tree ferns with a small amount of sphagnum around the roots and it is necessary to ensure high humidity, and watering at least once a day in summer and several times during hot and dry weather.
The average temperature of the summer day is 22-23 ° C, the night 13-14 ° C, and the daily difference is 9-10 ° C. If a cold humidifier is available, these plants will grow well in the vicinity of the cold, humid air outlet. The average temperature of the winter day is 18 ° C, the night 7-8 ° C, and the daily difference is 10-11 ° C.
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