Ficus carica (Brown Turkey fig) is one of the oldest cultivated plants native to Syria and Persia. It can be a large bush or a small tree with broad leaves. This is a low-maintenance plant, so it is popular in many countries worldwide.
Brown Turkey fig Care
Ficus carica

Ficus carica is a popular self-fertile variety of figs that belongs to the Moraceae family. It has green leaves in the warm season, but with the onset of cold weather, it turns yellow, so it's very easy to identify by its lush and pretty foliage! In winter, the tree enters the hibernation period. The fruits have a green color during this stage of development, and after ripening, they change it to brown with a hint of purple. Inside, the fruit has a soft structure with orange-pink pulp.
This is an adapted plant that grows in various environments without special care.
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How to Care for the Plant
Brown Turkey is best watered twice a week for the first three months after planting. An adult tree needs a sip about once every seven days.
Prune your tree at the end of autumn after harvesting. This will allow your green pet to prepare for the next year.
The tree needs to be fed during planting in spring and summer. Stop fertilizing your greenie two months before the cold season begins.
Brown Turkey does not like low light, so the best option would be to place it against the southern wall.
This sturdy fig can grow almost in any soil, but a well-drained potting mix with a high lime content is best.
The best way to propagate this Ficus is by cuttings. To do this, you should place the young sucker in rooting hormone. Then plant it in a light, moist potting mix. Keep your greenie in a sunny place.
Ficus carica doesn't enjoy freezing at all! If the temperature is below 15˚F (-9°C), you will need to protect the tree with plastic wrap.
The tree can be grown in any container of suitable size; however, it might need some pruning! Don't forget to ensure the pot has drainage holes.
Fun fact
Fig puree is used to replace fat in baking.
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