Calibrachoa are tender woody-based perennials usually grown as annuals, mostly trailing in habit, with simple leaves and petunia-like, trumpet-shaped flowers over a long period. [Rave Violet] is an evergreen perennial usually grown as an annual, with trailing stems and small, simple leaves. Purple flowers with a pale yellow star and yellow throat are produced ovber a ong period in summer and autumn
Calibrachoa Rave Blue Care
Calibrachoa Rave Violet

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How to Care for the Plant
Calibrachoa needs a generous amount of water for “soaking” the roots. However, allow the soil to dry out before the next watering cycle.When watering water the soil thoroughly and allow the top 1-2 inches of soil to dry before watering again. Soggy soil lead to plants rotting.
Trim your calibrachoa up (1-4 inches) in mid-summer time. This process is not complicated. Trim Calibrachoa plants to a neat and tidy status.
To keep Calibrachoa plants strong fertilize every other week with a liquid fertilizer. Once per month if you’re fertilizing with a solid granular slow-release plant fertilizer.
They can do best when placed in direct full sun for a minimum of 6 hours daily.
Calibrachoa prefers very well-drained soils. Most garden soils do not have the best drainage. This is why Calibrachoa is normally found growing in containers.
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