Graptopetalum pentandrum superbum is a pretty succulent, forming wide, open rosettes of fleshy, lavender-pink leaves held at the end of thick stems. Yellow flowers with red stamens appear from late-winter to spring. It’s ideal for growing as a houseplant but may also be raised outside in warmer regions.
Graptopetalum Petandrum Care
Graptopetalum Pentandrum Subsp. Superbum

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How to Care for the Plant
Graptopetalum filiferum can be quite beautiful when it is well-taken care of. this succulent type needs typical watering as the other succulents. the watering method is very important to keep your plant healthy. it should not sit on the water, and an excess amount of water should be avoided.
Dead or dying sections of the plant can encourage pest infestation or disease. Removing these not only makes your houseplant look better, but reduces the risk of further problems down the line.
When it comes to fertilizers, you want to avoid over-fertilizing (just like an overdose of vitamins isn't great for us, either). Less is more, so it’s important to follow what the package says for application amounts.
Full sun to partial shade.
Planting instructions will suggest planting in a sterile potting mix.
Temperature In the summer: room, in winter it is desirable not higher than 59 ° F, if it is in the rest period without irrigation, it can withstand +41 ° F.
Plants that don't like a lot of moisture will need a drainage hole for moisture to escape and for airflow to circulate through the pot. Another important function of drainage holes is to allow water to flush the soil of excess salts from fertilizers.
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