Adenia volkensii is a perennial plant producing more or less woody, annual stems up to 50cm long from a succulent, woody stem that can be 1 metre tall.The plant is harvested from the wild for local use as a medicine. It is sold in local markets for medicinal use and also harvested commercially from the wild as a source of materials for the pharmaceutical industry. It is also collected, grown and traded as an ornamental by enthusiasts
Kiliambiti Care
Adenia Volkensii

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How to Care for the Plant
In summer, water is moderated as the top layer of the soil dries up, in winter, watering is reduced. With the onset of autumn, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. If the plant has thrown off the leaves, then it is not watered in the winter. In this case, the bare branches can be trimmed.
Long shoots are cut, giving the plant a certain shape.
During the growth period, fertilizers for succulents are applied approximately once every 2-3 weeks, supplementary fertilizers with a high content of phosphorus and potassium are applied (N: P: K – 5:10:10). In autumn and winter, no fertilizing is used.
The plant requires bright or bright scattered light, it can be grown on the southern, western and south-western windows, but it is necessary that the caudex be in the shade. Special shading is required for green caudex in the spring, it should not get wet, as a result of sun burns in the form of brown spots.
A loose permeable substrate is suitable with the addition of sand or perlite, preferably acid soil. You can use a mixture of equal parts of sod, leaf land, peat, coarse sand with the addition of charcoal.
The optimum temperature in summer is 75,2-78,8 ° F, although the plant is sufficiently resistant to heat. In winter, it requires a cool temperature of 59 ° F, but not below 44,6 ° F.
Many species are very toxic . When working with the plant, cutting and transplanting requires gloves.
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