Espostoopsis dybowskii is the only species in the Espostoopsis genus. It is a night blooming cereoid species, mainly branching near the base. The flowers are white, tubular and bell shaped.Habit: Plants shrubby, mostly branching basally, producing several erect, unbranched stems, 2-4 m high.Stems: Cylindrical, about 8 cm in diameter, with white hairs completely obscuring them.Ribs: Numerous (20-28) low.Areoles: Furnished with matted yellowish wool and abundant white hairs covering the whole stem.Central spines: 2-3, yellow or brown, erect, needle-like, 2-3 cm long.Radial spines: Numerous, short, fine, hidden in the areolar hairs.Fertile zone: Blooms are produced in a lateral cephalium, up to 60 cm long, consisting of masses of long white wool.Flowers: Nocturnal, shortly tubular-campanulate, white, to 4 cm long; pericarpels naked; floral tubes with very small scales less than 1 mm long, otherwise naked. Tepals short, white.Fruits: Broadly ovoid, nearly naked, pale pink with white pulp, indehiscent, 2.5 cm in diameter; pericarp thick, floral remains persistent and becoming black.