Evergreen magnolias are the queens of flowering trees. We choose the most beautiful and at the same time hardiest varieties. The following variety was developed by Warren Steed in North Carolina, USA.This is a lovely tree which flowers from an early age, producing beautiful creamy white, saucer shaped flowers in spring and summer. Leaves are a classic glossy deep green colour with furry brown undersides forming a nice compact evergreen tree with a dense covering of foliage. A hardy and reliable variety which makes it a consistently solid performer in the landscape.
Magnolia Little Gem Care
Magnolia Grandiflora 'little Gem'

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How to Care for the Plant
We advise you to water your freshly magnolia regularly until the plant has a chance to become established. Once this point is passed, the plant will only require watering through spring and summer.
Prune branches back to a natural fork to avoid leaving unsightly stubs. Cuts bleed if pruned in late winter or early spring so pruning should only be done between mid-summer and early autumn.
An appropriate fertilizer for a magnolia tree would be 12-4-8 or 20-5-10. The amount of fertilizer given is based on the amount of nitrogen required.
Semi-shade – this plant needs a lot of sunlight, but it has to be protected from the strongest rays of the sun.
Prefer fertile soil, preferably loose and loamy with adequate drainage.
down to -21°C
Whether your potted plants are indoors or outdoors, proper drainage is an essential element to ensure they stay healthy.
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