Hyophorbe indica is endemic to Réunion in the Mascarene Islands, east of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean. There is a series of small populations totalling more than 100 but probably fewer than 500 only. The palm comes in 2 colours: The green one grows in the east coast of the Réunion, while the red one is endemic to Tampon region south-west/central). Hyophorbe indica is an excellent easy to grow palm adapt to tropical and warm subtropical climates, but is usually not cultivated. Its elegant shape together with its small canopy and small stature make it suitable for a smaller landscape. People who live in colder climates can still enjoy the palms as potted plants. The green form is rare and cold-sensitive than the red form and is little cultivated in contrast to the red form.
Palmiste Poison Care
Hyophorbe Indica

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How to Care for the Plant
It prefers adequate moisture to look its best. This palm a will tolerate occasional dryness if not prolonged. Don't let sit in water. Indoor, potted palms should not be over-watered. They may contract the fungus Phytophthora, if over-watered.
It needs a perfect fertilizer diet including all micro nutrients and trace elements three times a year if not grown in rich soil.
It prefers shade when young, but can take full sun as it gets older, even full sun in coastal conditions. If home-grown, give some sun as with most tropical palms.
It has a fibrous root system and benefits from deep organic, soils that are fertile, but thrives on wide range of tropical soils, like coastal marine alluvial clays, soils of volcanic origin, sands as long as they are well drained.
This palm is tender and is suited for tropical or subtropical climates, but may survive very light frosts to about -3° C (as long as not prolonged) even if it end up getting nearly defoliated each winter. (USDA Zones 9b-11). Seedling growth arrests below 15°C.
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