Next time you have a martini, savor the flavor and remind yourself it comes from the Angelica root. Angelica herb is a European plant that has been a flavoring agent in many popular types of liquor, including gin and vermouth. The Angelica plant has a long history of use as a seasoning, medicinal and tea. Although not commonly cultivated, growing Angelica will increase the variety and interest of flavors in your herb garden
American Angelica Care
Angelica Atropurpurea

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How to Care for the Plant
The plant is not drought tolerant and should not be allowed to dry out.
Cut the stalk at the end of the first year to promote flowering in the second.
The herb prefers cool climates and a semi-shady to sunny location
Angelica herb thrives in moist fertile soils rich in organic matter. For best results, plant Angelica in slightly acidic soil.
All members of this genus contain furocoumarins, which increase skin sensitivity to sunlight and may cause dermatitis
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