Tillandsia Abdita is one of the most colorful Tillandsias within our Air plants assortment. This plant has got many green leaves which are softly touching. As the Tillandsia Abdita grows, the leaves could color into a beautiful red/purple color. Popularly, the Abdita is often named as Tillandsia Brachycaulos, a very common species in the family of Tillandsia plants. This air plant is however unique in its kind and a very rare species.Originally, Tillandsia Abdita grows in Mexico and Central America, mainly in dry woods and deserts at 600-1200 meters heights. Corsa Plant grows this unique kind at farms in Central America and further at our main location in De Lier in the Netherlands.
Tillandsia Abdita Care
Brachycaulos X Abdita Air Plant

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How to Care for the Plant
How to water air plants in a bowl or sink of water: This is the best method of watering air plants as it really allows the water to soak into the plants. To water air plants this way, fill a bowl or sink with water and float the air plants in the water for 20 minutes to an hour every week. Then, take the plants out of the water, tip them upside down so any excess water can drain away, and then place them on a towel to dry before putting them back on display.
Fertilizing air plants isn’t a difficult task, nor is it an essential one. Though a monthly or quarterly application of fertilizer helps air plants thrive, if you skip this step, it’s not the end of the world, especially if you water air plants with rain water or water from an aquarium or pond.
For air plants, bright but filtered light is best. A west, east, or south-facing window will do. If you don’t think your air plant is getting enough light, supplemental lighting via a fluorescent light or a table-top grow light helps.
The ideal temperature for air plants is between 50 and 90 degrees F.
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