Found in southern New Caledonia in rainforests along streams at elevations around 200 to 800 meters as a large sized, hot to warm growing terrestrial with a bamboo-like cane stem carrying towards the apex, many, blue green, linear, acute leaves that blooms in the spring on a lateral, pendent, 3 to 15 flowered, racemose inflorescence
The Fractiflex Dendrobium Care
Dendrobium Fractiflexum

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How to Care for the Plant
They should be watered as they approach dryness. This can vary from 2 to 5 days, depending on humidity, air movement, the amount of light they receive, the potting media used, the type of pot (Plastic or Clay) and the size of the pot. After the growing season, cut water back somewhat, but do not suspend watering.
Dendrobium Phalaenopsis need to be fertilised regularly when they are in active growth. Fertilising every two to three weeks during the summer months and once a month in the winter should suffice.
Dendrobiums Phalaenopsis need lots of light, but not direct sun. A lightly shaded south window is best. These plants like strong, natural sunlight. They love full morning and late afternoon sun, but do best if the light is somewhat filtered between 11 am and 3 pm. They will grow in lower-light conditions, but it is unlikely the plant will bloom well. The appearance of keikis often means the plant isn't getting enough light. On the other hand, if you see yellow leaves you may have given the plant too much direct sunlight.
Orchids don't grow in soil , but rather in a special mixture that mimics their environment in the wild. Choose a suitable orchid potting medium which can be locally made available, mostly containing Peat moss, Perlite, Fir bark, Pine Bark, Charcoal or Cocopeat as a whole or as Ingredients.
They are considered warm-house plants by growers, meaning they favour conditions in a warm greenhouse. The temperature for these plants should be above 60 degrees Fahrenheit at all times. Dendrobium Phalaenopsis type orchids do well in daytime temperatures somewhere between 24°C to 30°C and night temperatures between 16°C to 18°C. They will do best when there is a 8°C to 11°C difference between day and night temperatures.
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