Peperomia rotundifolia is a trailing perennial and a delicate and beautiful flower with small, round, green leaves, like coins. These cultured evergreen herbaceous plants have thick fleshy shoots, just like the other ones of the Peperomia genus.
Trailing Jade Care
Peperomia rotundifolia
Other names: Creeping Buttons, Round Leaf Peperomia

P. rotundifolia (the trailing jade is the common name) is an openwork species that grows in the form of a thick cushion with small round leaves painted in a juicy green tone, seeming almost to have a metallic sheen. It originates in South American rainforests.
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How to Care for the Plant
Water well with well-settled warm water, preventing drying, 3-4 times a month in summer and not more than once every two weeks in the cold period.
Pinch the overgrown stems to make your plant look to make it compact and good-looking.
Feed the plants once a week with a fertilizer for deciduous plants in spring and summer. In winter, feed no more than once a month.
Direct rays for several hours are allowed, but direct sunlight should not always fall on the leaves. It is desirable to place the plant in rooms of eastern and western orientations.
Purchase a fertile soil mixture for Saintpaulia. Do not allow sharp fluctuations in temperature. Comfortable indicators will be 22-24 C. Winter parameters 16 -18 C. You can also prepare it yourself by taking leaf soil, sod, humus, peat, and sand in equal proportions.
Dividing the bush is the main propagation method of the trailing jade.
Do not allow sharp fluctuations in temperature. Comfortable indicators will be 54-75 °F (22-24 °C). Winter parameters are 61-64 °F (16 -18 °C).
A hanging basket or terrarium is the preferable container choice for indoor cultivation of P. rotundifolia. Choose a flower pot with a hole in the bottom for the drainage layer.
Fun fact
The houseplant has a pleasant odor when cutting the leaf, reducing headaches and improving mood. Moreover, some people believe that this plant brings love, kindness, and understanding to the household of its owners.
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