Native to tropical climate it loves warmth and humidity. Indoors it would enjoy occasional mist of water and bright warm spot. It flowers with pretty pinkish flowers that are very fragrant. Suitable for terrariums.
Begonia Red Ruby Care
Begonia Conchifolia 'Red Ruby'

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How to Care for the Plant
Water this plant when the leaves begin to droop, or when the soil is dry. Depending on the Soil the begonia is in, it is likely they will need water every 7-14 days.
Begonias prefer bright natural light. The best windows in a house for this kind of light are a northern or eastern window. Only place this plant is a southern or western window if it does not received any direct sun. Direct Sun Burns the leaves on this plant, and gives it an unsightly appearance.
Typical potting soils are excellent for this plant. A little perlite added in never hurts either
Tropical/House Plant. A very swift death will happen to this plant if it sees temperatures below freezing!
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