Add a touch of the tropics to your indoor and outdoor areas with the Lickety Split Philodendron. This vigorous, self heading variety produces large, glossy green leaves that have an ever changing appearance over time. As this plant matures, each new leaf is different from the last, with more fingers and more frill. Flowering only occurs after the plant nears maturity, usually after 5 to 10 years. This plant performs best under full sun, although it will comfortably grow under shade as well. It is not suitable for growing in alpine zones.
Philodendron Lickety Split Care
Philodendron 'Lickety Split'

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How to Care for the Plant
Through Spring and Summer the soil should be kept moist but during winter the soil should be allowed to dry out between waterings.
The Philodendron is a plant that can grow very quickly and should be fed every month during spring and summer, especially when new leaves are growing. During the winter, feeding can take place every other month using a basic houseplant food.
This plant is relatively durable and it can thrive in many different conditions but it is more suited to bright light but not direct sun. It can, however, cope with low light.
Typically any high quality, fast draining potting mix is good.
The ideal temperature for this plant is 60-75ºF/16-24ºC. Temperatures above and beyond this could cause the plants growth to slow down.
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