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Giant Bamburanta Care

Ctenanthe Oppenheimiana

Giant Bamburanta main
Giant Bamburanta 0
Giant Bamburanta 1
What is the plant

The red tinges the paler areas on the upper sides, making this truly a three-colored plant. The long, almost vertical, leafstalks produce large pointed elliptical leaves up to 12in/30cm in length.Ctenanthes native habitat is beneath the tree canopy.of hot, humid rain forests, but it has adapted well as a houseplant. It enjoys average room temperatures, and as long as it is not overwatered and has high humidity, it should do well.

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Part Sun

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Hardiness zone

min 12

How to Care for the Plant

  • Water


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    As with all plants, correct watering is essential to help the plant thrive. While the Ctenanthe species of plants is generally tolerant of different soil moisture levels, you will want to make sure to never let the plant dry out. Water thoroughly once the top of the soil feels dry.

  • Pruning


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    Only needed to control size and remove dead foliage. Plant will spread out if allowed to.

  • Fertilizer


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    Balanced, water-soluble fertilizer applied monthly while the plant is actively growing.

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  • Sunlight


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    One of the most important requirements to successfully grow the Never Never plant is to create an environment that offers bright, but indirect light. When considering where to plant your Never Never plant, think of the rainforest ecosystem where these plants thrive. Long days of light are the norm, though the thick forest canopy offers shading which reduces the amount of direct light.Incorrect lighting can lead to foliage problems which will negatively affect the beauty for which the plant is most widely appreciated. Without a steady and constant source of indirect but bright light, the color patterns on the leaves will dramatically change.

  • Soil


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    Nutrient rich, well-draining potting mix. Equal parts potting soil, peat and perlite works well.

  • Temperature


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    Despite being native to the Amazon rainforest, the Never Never Plant will still be able to survive, and even thrive, at lower temperatures. If you live in an area with relatively cool summers, as long as the temperatures remain above 55°F (13°C), your plant should be okay. Because this plant likes temperatures between 55-85°F, it will adapt to normal indoor temperatures. For people who live in areas with cold winters, you will want to make sure to avoid leaving the plant outside when hard fro

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  • Additional


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    Medium to high humidity. Leaf curling and brown tips will develop in low humidity.

  • Popularity


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    269 people already have this plant 69 people have added this plant to their wishlists

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