Imagine ripe, succulent figs glistening in your backyard. Mission Fig's elegant foliage will make you want to grow this fruitful tree. Get ready to explore the secrets of nurturing this plant.
Mission Fig Care
Ficus Carica 'Mission'

The Mission Fig, scientifically known as Ficus carica 'Mission,' is a deciduous tree that belongs to the Moraceae, mulberry, or fig family. Originating in the Mediterranean region, it is one of the most popular fig varieties cultivated around the USDA hardiness zones 8-11, making them suitable for many climates. These trees can reach a height of 10 to 30 feet (3 to 9 meters) and have a broad canopy that provides ample shade. Renowned for its distinctive lobed leaves, this deciduous tree typically fruits in early summer and has a fascinating identifying feature – it produces two crops yearly. The first harvest appears in May or June, while the second harvest is ready in late summer or early fall. Mission Fig fruits are medium-sized with blackish-purple skin and sweet, reddish-pink flesh. Varieties may include Brown Turkey, Celeste, and Kadota.
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How to Care for the Plant
While they flourish in garden soil, you can also grow Figs in containers. For this, use a pot that is at least 24 inches (61 cm) in diameter and 24 inches deep. Make sure it has drainage holes to prevent waterlogging. This method is handy if you want to control the tree's size or have limited outdoor space.
Fun fact
Named after the Spanish Franciscan missionaries who brought them to California in the late 1700s, Mission Figs have a legacy that dates back to antiquity. They were among the first European fruits grown in the discovered New World.
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