Chamaecyparis pisifera, commonly known as Sawara cypress, is a large, pyramidal, evergreen conifer that grows in the wild to 50-70’ (infrequently to 150') tall with a trunk diameter to 5'. In cultivation, it more typically matures to a much smaller 20-30' tall. It is native to the Japanese islands of Honshu and Kyushu. Fine-textured medium green needles are tinted white beneath. Cones are small (1/4" across) and ornamentally insignificant, appearing glaucous green during summer before turning black-brown when ripe. Reddish brown bark peels in strips.
Japanese Falsecypress Care
Chamaecyparis Pisifera 'Golden Mop'

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How to Care for the Plant
Water deeply, regularly during first few growing seasons to develop an extensive root system.
Prune only lightly to shape; remove no more than current season's growth.
Fertilize in early spring.
Growing Golden Mops Golden Mop false cypress should be grown in an area of full sun to part shade in most average, well-draining soils.
It does prefer moist, fertile soil rather than poorly draining, wet soil. These false cypress shrubs can be grown in mass plantings, rock gardens, on hillsides, in containers or as standalone specimen plants in the landscape.
A moptop of a somewhat stringy mound, "Golden Mop" has distinctive, whiplike foliage that will whip around when the wind blows hard, possibly damaging itself. Winter winds can also cause winterburn. This can be a dilemma for home gardeners in windy locations where nights get chilly who want the plant to develop a bright hue in full sunlight. One way to solve this is to grow "Golden Mop" in a container and provide winter shelter by moving it to a location near a wall or fence before winter arrives.
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