Lonicera ligustrina var. pileata is a type of evergreen shrub honeysuckle, or box honeysuckle. Ideal for hedges or for topiary. The leaves are small, oval and shiny with small creamy white flowers appearing in spring, followed occasionally by small glossy blue-purple berries. Good for specimen containers or group planting.
Box-leaved Honeysuckle Care
Lonicera Ligustrina Var. Pileata
Other names: Privet Boxleaf Honeysuckle

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How to Care for the Plant
Very little water
Lonicera Pileata should be pruned in late Winter or early in the new year before new growth occurs, whilst the plant is dormant, but be cautious of extreme cold weather and frosts.
Plants will grow well in a variety of part shade situations, including open sun-dappled conditions or light shade with several hours of morning sun or early afternoon sun.
Plants prefer soils with a pH of slightly acidic to slightly alkaline.
Full Frost Hardy: 5F (-15°C)
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