Polka Dot Plant is a flowering plant in the Acanthaceae family native to Southeast Asia, South Africa, and Madagascar. The hallmark of the plant is beautifully spotted leaves. Hypoestes phyllostachya has several varieties, each of which has its unique color.
Polka Dot Plant Care
Hypoestes Phyllostachya

Polka Dot Plant is a shrub with large spreading leaves. The mature plant is about 20 inches (50 centimeters) high and wide. Green leaves have numerous spots, the color of which depends on the plant variety. They are usually white, red, or pink. During flowering, the plant produces small pale flowers.
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How to Care for the Plant
Polka Dot Plant needs regular watering. Remember, the soil should not dry out at any time of the year. The plant loves high humidity. However, flower growers do not recommend spraying the plant. You can turn on a special humidifier for the plant if it is too dry.
You need to prune Polka Dot Plant in the spring. Experts advise removing the upper leaves where the plant will bloom. Pruning is necessary to ensure the plant keeps its shape and does not stretch in height.
Polka Dot Plant needs top dressing from the end of April until the beginning of autumn. It is better to choose a complex fertilizer for ornamental deciduous plants as a top dressing. Gardeners recommend fertilizing about once a month.
Hypoestes loves bright but diffused lighting. In winter, gardeners strongly recommend illuminating the plant with ordinary lamps because the flower's need for light does not disappear even in the cold season.
The best mix for Hypoestes is turf and leaf soil, humus, and small gravel in a ratio of 2:1:1:2. Polka Dot Plant also grows well in hydroponics. Remember, it is practical to replant the shrub every spring.
Hypoestes phyllostachya propagates by cuttings and seeds. It is better to grow Polka Dot Plant from cuttings because this way, the plant reproduces at any time of the year. To do this, you need to cut medium-length cuttings and place them in water or soil. Then, you need to put the container with the cuttings in a warm place and cover it with polyethylene.
Polka Dot Plant is a southern plant that can stay in warm conditions all year round. In summer, the optimal temperature for plant growth is 72-75 degrees Fahrenheit (22-24°C). In winter, the plant does well at 64-68 degrees Fahrenheit (18-20 degrees Celsius).
The container for this plant should have a drainage hole and a drip tray. You should choose a larger container, especially when young Hypoestes need a transplant.
Fun fact
In its native lands, Hypoestes are eaten by adding to salads.
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