Named for the Duke of Devonshire, this indian species has 10-12 inch long leaves that are broad and blade like. The flowers emerge in the spring after a slightly dry rest with no feed in winter. The scapes are pendulous with 15 to 25 flowers that are nearly 2 inches in size. The flower color has a green base overlaid with olive and a bit of burgundy spotting and striping. The lip is white dark wine colored spots on either side of the column. Fragrant like eucalyptus.
Devon's Cymbidium Care
Cymbidium Devonianum

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How to Care for the Plant
Cymbidiums need to be watered once a week, but in the summer they need more watering, can be irrigated 2-3 times depending on the local, should not be water shortage at the growing orchids, when the cymbidium has stopped rising, can reduce watering, but do not let the plant dry up, will make the plant froze, and may not flowering.
When growing season for seedlings, apply 30-10-10 fertilizer once a week, using only 1/4 of the manufacturer's formula. For example, the formula uses 1 tsp for a gallon of water, then using ¼ tsp for a gallon of water, to avoid the plant from burning the leaves. At the end of August use fertilizer 6-30-30 or 10-52-10, end of November to stop fertilizing, only watering, fertilizing will cause hot flower buds can fall or have disabilities.
Cymbidium needs more sunshine, but must cover the net to prevent leaf burn. More light will be easier to flower, more flowers and colors will be more honest, lack of light will make the flowers go pale. It can not be grown indoors or in shady places.
Mix 3 parts fibrous peat, 3 parts coarse grit, 1 part perlite, and 1 part charcoal.
Cymbidiums can withstand temperatures up to 100 ° F and cold to 30 ° F, as long as they are not frozen. In addition, if there is no minimum daylight / nighttime difference between 15 ° F and 20 ° F (13-16 ° F) C), almost cymbidiums will not flower.
2-3 years should replace the pot once if planted with pine shells, every 4-5 years if planted with coconut shells. Before repotting or splitting the plants, soak the material in water for several hours, do not use potting soil because it will be prone to root rot. When using coconut shells, soak them thoroughly, when not as bold as tea, it is better to use.
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