Pink Perpetue' _ 'Pink Perpetue' is a vigorous, compact, climbing, deciduous shrub bearing pinnate leaves with ovate, toothed, leathery, dark green leaves and, in summer and autumn, fragrant, cupped to rounded, double, pink flowers, darker pink on the reverse.
Rose-pink Care
Pink Climbing Rose

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How to Care for the Plant
Watering your roses regularly. The rule of thumb for watering roses is to make sure roses get about 2 inches a week. Deep soakings are much better than frequent, shallow watering. Set the hose at the foot of the rose and let water trickle in. Or if you have a big bed of roses or roses and companions, use a soaker hose or install an in-ground system.
In most areas, early spring is the time to prune your roses. Many experts recommend pruning your roses about the time forsythia blooms in your area. Editor's Tip: Exceptions to this include roses that bloom just once a year in early summer. Prune them right after they finish blooming.
Feed roses consistently before and throughout the blooming cycle and use fertilizer to support healthy growth. Use an all-purpose garden fertilizer, because it has balanced amounts of N (nitrogen), P (phosphorus), and K (potassium).
Roses do best in full sun (at least 6 hours of direct sun a day) and well-drained soil that's rich in organic matter.
If your soil has lots of sand or clay, it's helpful to add organic matter, such as compost, before planting them.
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