Aloe Barberae [AL-oh, BAR-ber-ay], is an aloe-like plant native to South Africa where it can reach up to 60′ feet tall. While it’s often called the Tree Aloe, it no longer belongs to the Aloe plant genus.
Tree Aloe Care
Aloidendron Barberae

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How to Care for the Plant
Allow the soil to dry between watering.
Remove dead leaves to allow for new growth. Trim back the stems to limit the height of the plant.
Use a succulent fertilizer during the summer and early fall.
The Tree Aloe needs bright sunlight.
Plant in soil with fast drainage. Combine two parts standard potting mix with one part sand or pebbles to achieve faster drainage.
Aloe Barberae grows best in temperatures between 70° and 80° degrees Fahrenheit (21° – 27° C).
Growing in a container or large pot helps keep the size more manageable and allows for overwintering indoors in cooler regions.
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