Add a touch of the tropics to any sun-splashed room with this Brazilian beauty. Its huge, deeply veined green leaves grow on narrow vertical stalks. Its blooms are spectacular. Carried on tall, upright stems, bright orange and red bracts have yellow-to-orange flowers, often tipped with dark green. Those exotic flowers remind me of Strelitzia reginae -- the bird-of-paradise plant. However, Heliconia is easier to please indoors. And you won't wait long for those magnificent flowers -- H. psittacorum blooms nearly year-round, beginning its first year.
Parakeet Heliconia Care
Heliconia Psittacorum

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How to Care for the Plant
While the plant can survive in dry conditions, it won’t perform well. Heliconias prefer consistently moist soil, never boggy, but never allowed to completely dry out.
Cut off spent flower stems to encourage more blooms; cut them off at soil level.
Use a slow-release fertilizer to feed your Heliconia, every two months during the spring and summer growing season.
Shed some light.
Pay particularly close attention to the type of soil used, making sure that it’s well-draining and acidic.
It'll be fine as long as the temperature doesn't dip below 55°F/13°C.
Use a large, heavy container to prevent toppling -- this plant can get top-heavy.
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