This bamboo is one of the most widespread bamboos in the country. It makes an excellent screen or container plant. Pseudosasa japonica is also quite happy indoors. The leaves, 5 to 13 inches long by 1.75 inches wide, are much larger than the leaves of other hardy bamboos of similar size. The culm sheaths are persistent. This is also one of the best bamboos for a windy or seaside planting. Although Pseudosasa japonica is a spreading bamboo, this hedge in the lower pictures is 20 years old and has not spread under the sidewalk. Yadake, the Japanese name for arrow bamboo, is a literal translation: ya means arrow, and dake is one of the words for bamboo.
Arrow Bamboo Care
Pseudosasa Japonicum

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How to Care for the Plant
Bamboos are generally shallow rooted and prefer a rich, moisture retentive, organic soil.
Remove weak, dead, damaged or spindly stems in spring and thin to show off stems to best effect. Cut out any flowering shoots promptly to discourage more from forming
in full sun or partial shade
humus-rich, moist, well-drained soil
Hardiness: fully hardy
With items such as ferns, juvenile tree ferns and herbaceous plants it is difficult to give the exact size of each species when such a wide range of plants are grown so we specify standard pot sizes to give an indication of the size and/or age of the plant you are buying.
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