Kalanchoe is famous not only thanks to its medical properties but also because of the downside, specifically, the relative toxicity of some species. Although the flowering of the mother of thousands is not annual and will occur sporadically (if at all), it is easy to grow even if it’s your first plant.
Mother Of Thousands Care
Bryophyllum daigremontianum

Mother of thousands (Latin Kalanchoe daigremontiana) is a flowering plant from the Crassulaceae diverse family of herbaceous leaf succulents. Having evolved in the dry climate of Madagascar, the plant received the common name mother of thousands because the rows of tiny plantlets develop on the edges of its leaves.
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How to Care for the Plant
Like other succulents, the mother of thousands tolerates droughts. Water this plant with slightly warm standing water.
Since the old leaves fall off over time anyway, pruning is necessary only in rare cases, for example, due to intense growth in a small pot. It would be best if you also remembered to cut flowering shoots after or even during flowering.
Special fertilizer for succulents is useful only during budding. The warm, active growth period is the right time to provide the plant with nutrients such as mineral additives.
If you keep the plant indoors, provide it with plenty of bright sunlight, preferably placing it near a window facing south. To see if Kalanchoe daigremontiana gets enough light, look at the brightness of the leaves.
The Kalanchoe daigremontiana plant needs a soil mixture that provides good drainage to avoid damp soil. The best choice for it will be to buy a mixture for succulents or sandy soil, which is most definitely the best possible option.
Propagation of the mother of thousands is possible by cuttings and seeds as well as by vegetative reproduction from on-leaf plantlets, as mentioned before.
Given the natural habitats of Kalanchoe, it is accustomed to considerable temperature fluctuations. Summer heat, if not higher than 86 °F (30 °C), is not dangerous for it; however, lowering it below 50-59 °F (10-15 °C) is critical.
Similarly, as for other succulents, the best type of container for growing Kalanchoe is a clay pot with a bottom drainage hole.
Fun fact
An amazing plant’s “children” easily take root literally in the same substrate where an adult houseplant grows. This is the biological role of this method of reproduction!
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