Previously known by the rather melifluous name of Dasystachys deckeriana, Chamaedorea deckeriana is an attractive, small palm with large, simple leaves, native to rainforests from southeastern Nicaragua to Panama
Chamaedorea deckeriana Care
Chamaedorea deckeriana

Chamaedorea deckeriana is a particularly attractive plant, and with it's scarcity would be much sought after by collectors. The packed and heavily laden bright red-orange fruits add to its overall spectacular appearance. It is solitary with large coarse bifid leaves having an almost corrugated look, from 3- 2 m tall, with a slender stem of 2-3 cm in diameter. Uncommon in cultivation and easily confused with C. allenii and C. zamorae. It exists in a few collections in California, Florida, Hawaii, and Australia. It is also cultivated in a few gardens in Costa Rica.
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How to Care for the Plant
This palm requires consistently moist soil. Do not let dry out between waterings.
The plant requires light shade. It can be grown in partial to full shade.
The palm needs well-draining rich soils.
This palm is considered hardy in the areas with the lowest winter temperatures of -1.1°C (30°F).
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