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Xerosicyos danguyi Care

Xerosicyos danguyi

Other names: Silver Dollar Plant, Dollar Vine

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Xerosicyos danguyi 1
What is the plant

Xerosicyos is a flowering plant genus of the family Cucurbitaceae. Xerosicyos danguyi is a large liana with thick stems and round, gray succulent leaves. It is common in cultivation and often called the "silver dollar" vine.

Xerosicyos danguyi, commonly called the 'penny plant', is a really unusual climbing succulent with slender stems branching from the base. It bears peculiar silver-green to blue-green leaves that are almost a perfect round shape. The greenish-yellow flowers are known to be inconspicuous, but cute and neat. It is a caudiciform shrubby leaf succulent, with tendril climbing liana-like stems to 5 m branching at base. If the plant finds no support, its shoots arch over.

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Full Sun



20°C - 35°C

Hardiness zone

Hardiness zone

9b - 11b







How to Care for the Plant

  • Water


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    The plant is extremely drought tolerant. A deep soaking once a month in the summer will keep the plant looking good. For pot culture in summer, during the vegetative period, it must be regularly watered but allowing the substratum to completely dry up before irrigating again (but do not overwater); in winter, it’s to be kept dry.

  • Fertilizer


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    They should be fertilized only once during the active growing period.

  • Sunlight


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    A location with full sun is best, although it can grow in partial shade, ensuring at least 4 hours of full sun per day.

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  • Soil


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    The plant adapts to most soil types, but not too heavy in texture; good drainage is desirable. If grown in a pot as an indoor plant, use a succulent plants soil e.g., 1 part peat moss to 1 part loam to 2 parts sand with small gravel added to increase drainage (sand must be substituted with pumice and lava grit).

  • Temperature


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    This cactus can be grown in the area with the lowest winter temperatures between 20°F and 30°F or -6.7°C and -1.1°C.

  • Container


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    This plant can be grown in a container. Choose a pot with enough drainage holes. Tha plant needs a large pot to accommodate a large root system.

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  • Popularity


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    96 people already have this plant 37 people have added this plant to their wishlists

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