Extraordinary Madagascar is full of gifts. One of the most marvelous representatives of its flora is Stephanotis.
Madagascar Jasmine Care
Stephanotis floribunda

Stephanotis is a family of evergreen climbing plants discovered in 1806. Stephanotis floribunda (Madagascar jasmine) is suitable both for houses and conservatories.
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How to Care for the Plant
Although this culture is moisture-loving, it requires moderate watering. Water temperature during fall-winter months should be from 14 to 16 ËšC (57 to 61ËšF), during spring-summer - from 16 to 25 ËšC (57 to 77 ËšF). In the warm period, water the plant once in 2-3 days, and in the cold period - once in 10 days.
Prune an indoor Madagascar jasmine occasionally in either late winter or early spring.
Feed the liana during the growing season, which begins in the first days of spring and ends in mid-autumn when the bush is preparing for a dormant period. Feed the bush only once in 10 days. For this, a universal fertilizer in liquid form for indoor flowering crops is suitable. After the formation of the first buds, use a fertilizer with a high content of phosphorus and potassium and low content of nitrogen.
A light-loving plant. Avoiding direct sunlight, locate it at the east window sill, or use backlighting on the north window sill. On a rainy day, as well as in the winter period, turn on the grow lamp during the day.
As to the soil mixture, get it ready-made or you can cook it yourself. It is important that the substrate passes air and water well.
Plant propagation methods: by seeds and cutting at the beginning of the spring period. The fastest and the most efficient method of stephanotis propagation is cutting.
The suitable temperatures for Stephanotis are the same that are suitable for watering.
Plant rooted cuttings of stephanotis in small pots. With further transplants, when selecting the size of the container, take the bush size into account. Buy each next container larger than the old one. It is important that the pot is not overly large, otherwise, the vine may not bloom. Drainage holes must be present at the bottom of the container.
Fun fact
The combination of the extraordinarily beautiful flowers of white color with amusing scent made Madagascar jasmine popular for wedding bouquets.
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