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Jade Plant Care

Crassula ovata

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What is the plant

The Jade Plant or Crassula is a popular indoor plant that belongs to the Crassula family. The leaves of this succulent look like small green minerals, hence its common name.

Crassula is a shrub with fleshy round or oval deep green leaves. It is a flowering species; it blooms with tiny white inflorescences. However, it is extremely rare, occurring only in the first 6-10 years of the life of the plant with proper care. In its natural environment, the plant grows in the arid regions of South Africa, Madagascar, and the Arabian Peninsula.

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Full Sun



15°C - 30°C

Hardiness zone

Hardiness zone

10a - 11b







How to Care for the Plant

  • Water


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    As a general rule, you need to water your jade plant every two weeks during a summer season. You need to water your jade plant thoroughly and let a soil get dry before a next watering. Jade plants hold water in their leaves; that is why it does not need moist soil consistently.

  • Pruning


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    Pruning encourages the development of new, healthy branches, so it is recommended to trim the excess branches from time to time within the vegetative period.

  • Fertilizer


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    Fertilizing is a significant aspect of Jade plant care as it helps the plant to develop rapidly and be lush. Use fertilizers for cacti and other succulents. During the active growth period, it is advised to feed Crassula once every two weeks and once a month in cold seasons. Alternatively, use a balanced fertilizer with a 10-10-10 formula.

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  • Sunlight


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    Indoors, Jade Plant should be put on the southeast windows. The leaves will turn red, wither, and fall off if they are exposed to direct sunlight. Thus, the plant enjoys bright but indirect light.

    Crassula can be put out to the balcony in the summer where it will be quite comfortable, and the fresh air will be beneficial. It is preferable to relocate the plant to the south windows during the winter.

  • Soil


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    The soil in the plant's container has to be adequately drained. You may buy a ready-to-go mixture or make your own mix (3:2:2 sand, leaf soil, and peat). The bottom of the pot must be covered with expanded clay, and the remaining ingredients must be properly combined and put into the pot.

  • Propagation


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    The Jade Plant propagation can be done in three ways: by dividing the bush, cuttings, and seeds. We recommend propagating it with cuttings since it is the easiest way: you can get a new plant from just one leaf.

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  • Temperature


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    The optimal temperatures for this plant's growth and development are 68-83°F (20-28°C) in spring and summer, and 50-60°F (10-15°C) in autumn and winter. Crassula remains dormant during the winter: avoid extreme temperature changes during this time as it might lead to loss of foliage.

  • Container


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    Jade plants have a tendency to grow top-heavy and fall over, so we recommend placing it in a deep ceramic container to keep balance. It should also be wide enough to accommodate the quick growth of the plant. Of course, you may start with a tiny container and transplant the money tree into a larger one as it grows.

  • Fun fact

    Fun fact

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    The Jade plant is not only beautiful but also a medicinal plant in Chinese culture. Wounds, stomach troubles, and warts are treated using the extract from its leaves.

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  • Popularity


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    231,896 people already have this plant 26,573 people have added this plant to their wishlists

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