Fothergilla is a garden shrub that offers both showy flowers in spring and spectacular fall foliage. The Dwarf Fothergilla, in particular, is a shrub that serves a dual purpose, adding value to the landscape in both seasons. Its unique fragrance is also a point of attraction for growers seeking unusual plants.
Dwarf Fothergilla Care
Fothergilla gardenii

Dwarf Fothergilla is a valuable compact shrub that serves as a perfect ornamental border for your garden. It produces creamy white, fuzzy bottlebrush flowers in spring, followed by blue-green leaves in summer and brilliant yellow, red, and orange foliage in fall, its main identification feature. This versatile shrub is slow-growing, reaching up to 2-3 ft tall (60-90 cm) and 3-4 ft wide (90-120 cm). Additionally, aromatic white flowers bloom at the end of long stems in early spring before the appearance of leaves. The plant also has fruits, but they are extremely small and almost insignificant for the overall ornamental value.
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How to Care for the Plant
If you want to grow Fothergilla in a container, you should try to recreate its natural swampy environment. Choose a container that is big enough for the plant with some drainage holes but not too many. Fill the container with an acidic-rich growing medium by adding ericaceous compost and some manure. Make sure the compost level is about 2 inches (5 cm) below the rim of the container. If done correctly, your Fothergilla shrub should thrive.
Fun fact
Its honey-scented flowers are unique in that they have no petals but instead are composed of showy white stamens that give them a fluffy appearance.
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