If you reproduce this greenie's natural habitat as closely as possible, it will let you feast your eyes on its beautiful leaf patterns. Philodendron "Paraiso Verde" is a real fast grower, too! So, this leafy beauty might be a green soulmate for those who like to live (and grow plants!) fast.
Philodendron "Paraiso Verde" Care
Philodendron "Paraiso Verde"

Philodendron “Paraiso Verde” (also Philodendron “Marina Ruy Barbarossa”) is a rare tropical plant from South American tropics. To identify it, look for its main distinctive feature: long and thin heart-shaped leaves that may be richly variegated if the plant is exposed to abundant light.
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How to Care for the Plant
It's always best to wait until the soil dries before giving this plant another sip. Remember that overwatering, at least with Philodendrons, is your worst enemy, so keep a close eye on your greenie's needs. This leafy friend will be delighted with a bit of fresh water once a week.
It's okay to prune your plant to keep it in the desired shape. You can trim it approximately twice a month in spring and summer. Remember to use clean and sharp tools.
To keep your green pet healthy, you will need to apply a slow-release fertilizer several times a month during the warm period. Follow the instructions closely to avoid nutrient burns.
Direct sun is a no-no! Try to keep the sun away from your leafy friend, except the sunlight in the early morning that can help enhance variegation.
An aroid mixture containing perlite is perfect for Philodendron “Paraiso Verde." Look for big-chunked soil that can provide sufficient drainage.
Planting stem cuttings in rich soil is the easiest way to propagate this species.
Marina Ruy Barbarossa cannot spend winters outside, so make sure you don't freeze your greenie to death. The best range is about 65-85°F (17-29°C). Philodendrons can be very sensitive, so, if possible, avoid temperature fluctuations.
Large draining holes are the only essential thing you should pay attention to when deciding what kind of pot to buy. Otherwise, Philodendrons are not very capricious!
Fun fact
The name "Paraiso Verde" means "Green Paradise" in Spanish. This plant definitely lives up to its name, doesn't it?
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