The Philodendron is a large family of plants that has many different species. The Philodendron Esmeralda is popular for its large leaves and tall heights!
Philodendron Esmeralda Care
Philodendron esmeraldense

This plant is native to Ecuador and loves high humidity. Rarely, this plant can bloom small flowers. Much like many other plants, the Philodendron Esmeralda is pollinated by insects. This is a large plant that can reach 6-8 ft (1.8-2.4m), making identification quite easy! By providing a rod or pole, you can encourage this plant to grow upright. However, like all Philodendrons, Esmeralda can be toxic to both humans and pets.
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How to Care for the Plant
The Philodendron Esmeralda prefers to have moist soil and will need to be watered three times a week during spring and summer. During winter months, a once-weekly watering is acceptable. Overwatering will turn this plant’s leaves yellow, so be sure to water only when the soil is 90% dry.
Pruning is not required for this plant, but you can cut off dead leaves and stems to keep it neat-looking.
A regular house plant fertilizer will be sufficient. This plant needs plenty of nutrients to stay healthy and should be fertilized during the winter and fall months.
This plant is a bit picky about its lighting and will require indirect lighting. With this plant, not enough sunlight will cause weak stems that are easily damageable, so be sure to place it by a window or in a sunny room.
A well-draining soil with a high organic material is best for this plant.
Stem cutting and tip cutting are the best ways to propagate this plant.
As a tropical plant, Philodendron Esmeralda needs a higher temperature, so keep your plant in a range of 60- 85ᵒF (16– 29ᵒC).
This plant will need to be repotted as it grows. A pot that has drainage holes will work best.
Fun fact
This plant is relatively new, having been discovered only in 2008!
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