Philodendron Persimmon Princess is a hybrid evergreen tropical plant that belongs to the Aroideae family and is native to the rainforests, mountains, and swamps of Colombia. Despite the fact that the price of Philodendron is quite high, the plant is extremely popular with collectors due to its unusual variegated pink form, which appeared as a result of a natural process.
Philodendron Persimmon Princess Care
Philodendron 'Persimmon Princess'

Identify Philodendron Persimmon Princess easily by its spectacular heart-shaped leaves, which are dark green in color, and in good lighting, an unusual pink color appears, covering part or all of the leaf. The bottom of the leaves has a bronze color, which effectively combines with pink.
Philodendron Persimmon Princess reproduces through small inflorescences, which turn into numerous seeds after pollination.
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How to Care for the Plant
Water the plant when the top layer of soil is dry to the touch, but avoid overwatering as this will cause root rot.
Prune back too thick and wilted leaves carefully to ensure healthy growth and avoid disease.
Use a liquid plant fertilizer occasionally, and add a slow-release fertilizer once a year after transplanting.
Provide bright, indirect light by placing the plant near a sunny window. It is worth watching the leaves because if there is too much light, the pink color will turn into white.
Purchase a well-drained loose soil with a lot of nutrients. The pH range shoul be between 5.5-6.5.
With a disinfected blade, cut off a healthy stem that has several small leaves and place it in water in a warm place for one month. After the roots have grown to 5 cm (2 inches), plant the cutting in well-drained, slightly moist soil.
The ideal temperature for Philodendron Persimmon Princess is 60-84˚F (16-29°C).
A container made of any material with drainage holes is suitable.
Fun fact
Philodendron Persimmon Princess is often confused with Philodendron Purple Congo, but the difference between them is that Persimmon Princess leaves turn pink naturally, not artificially.
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