Trollius europaeus, the globeflower, is a perennial flowering plant of the family Ranunculaceae. The plant is native to Europe and Western Asia and is a protected species in Bulgaria.
Globeflower Care
Trollius europaeus

Trollius europaeus, commonly known as common globeflower or European globeflower, is a clump-forming perennial of the buttercup family that features a late spring to early summer bloom of globular lemon-yellow flowers (to 2” across) atop sparsely-leaved stems rising to 18-24” tall. Long stalked palmate basal leaves (to 4-6” long) are deeply divided into 3-5 ovate toothed lobes. Smaller sessile stem leaves have 3 ovate lobes. Branched to branchless stems rise from the base of the basal foliage clump in late spring bearing globular flowers (1-2” diameter) each of which contains a ring of 10-15 showy, bright yellow, inward curving, petaloid sepals surrounding five petals. Flowers appear usually singly but sometimes in pairs. Genus name comes from the German word troll meaning round in reference to flower shape. Specific epithet is in reference to the European native territory of this plant.
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How to Care for the Plant
Globeflowers perform well as long as they aren’t allowed to dry out and are not subjected to extreme heat from scorching summer temperatures.
Cut back after flowering and apply a balanced liquid fertilizer to promote more blooms.
Globeflowers in the garden need a full shade to part shade location. Leaves may bleach out in full sun.
These flowers require very moist or boggy soil that is humus-rich. It should be acidic to neutral with pH from 5 to 7.
The plant is hardy and can be grown in the areas with the lowest winter temperatures of −40°C (−40°F). However, it doesn`t like the hot weather in summer either.
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