The Caladium is a tuber plant grown for its attractive papery thin and bi-colored leaves. The only downside of seeing the foliage produce its lovely color is that it soon dies off until the next year.
Heart Of Jesus Care
Caladium hortulanum

The plant genus (Caladium) consists of over 1000 species. Most are hybrids from the C. bicolor and sold with the name of C. x hortulanum. Many other common names are used for these hybrids, including the Rosebud, Frieda Hemple, Lord Derby, and a fair few others. These are low-growing foliage plants that only grow up to 25 inches (60 cm) tall, with large leaves growing up to 18 inches (45 cm) long.
Since Caladium is from the Araceae family, it is considered a blooming plant. Its flowers are not as spectacular as its leaves, but they still are attractive. They look like a bud (primarily white), simple but exquisite despite not having distinct petals.
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How to Care for the Plant
After the tubers show signs of growth (small shoots occur) water frequently, and keep the soil moist. In its natural habitat, this plant is likely to grow with higher humidity levels than we have in our homes, but the average levels within a home should be fine.
Hygienic pruning of the plant is greatly beneficial to its health and look. Remember to use sterilized tools.
Feed every other week with a diluted liquid fertilizer during the active growth season. Make sure it provides an equal proportion of Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potassium.
In their natural habitat, the Heart of Jesus plant grows in shaded areas. Indoors that can be artificially provided with a fairly bright room without direct sunlight. Direct sun will scorch and damage the leaves.
A nutrient-rich and well-draining potting soil is required. Opt for a slightly acidic type.
Division of the roots is an easy and a mostly successful way to propagate the plant. Pot the divided parts into fresh soil, keep them evenly moist and exposed to sufficient light until they settle down.
Above 70ºF (21ºC) is the best temperature to provide outdoors, and temps should not drop lower than 60ºF (15ºC). The signs of stress received due to cold or temperature fluctuations are yellowing and scorching of the leaves.
In mild climates, where the average temperature remains about 7°C (45 °F), overwintering outdoors is possible; you need to pay more attention to your plant. You need to remove naturally fallen leaves during this period and cover the plant with a ‘blanket’ made from straws or bark. The size of such cover should be 5-10 cm (2-4 inches). This procedure will help to keep soil in good condition and to prevent damages and freezing.
Be sure the container has drainage holes in the bottom and allows water to drain quickly. However, Caladium is an annual plant, so it is mostly grown outside.
Fun fact
One of the common names for the plant, Frieda Hempel, is actually a name of a popular soprano singer of the early 20th century.
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Common pests
Frequent diseases
Since caladiums grow from tubers, the tubers are the first ones to be attacked by diseases, usually caused by fungus. To avoid such a problem, drench tubers in hot water (about 50°C (122°F) before planting to kill fungus, check if it’s dry, and finally plant it.
Botanist’s tips
Bright colors are usually a clue that something is toxic. It works with the heart of Jesus. Due to the containment of calcium oxalate crystals, these plants are considered poisonous, particularly for humans and pets. If you touch the plant’s sap, it can cause skin irritation. Also, it’s pretty reckless to consume the juice because it provokes burning of lips and tongue. But soon, you will feel nauseous; it can lead to such symptoms as vomiting and diarrhea. Thus, it is better to keep the plant away from children and pets.
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